Been taking a small break in the FFVII fandom
Howdy all! Had some fiddling to do in the Final Fantasy VII fandom with a Turk pairing. I love Rude/Reno! Lots of smexy fun to be had there. Have no fear, the next page of Winter's Solace is almost...
View ArticleRudexReno Again...
This one might make a nice, if smallish, wallpaper. It's very work safe, so no worries. Reno's just got his head in Rude's lap. (Shush! You know I don't mean like that. Though one of those might...
View ArticleVincent Rescues Cloud--Inks
Thanks to sinnatious I was inspired (urged, challenged, whatev...) to do some Vincent/Cloud art this week. She didn't care if it was smut, H/C, General Badassery, Cuddling or anything else. So I let...
View ArticleWell, that was a waste of time...
Rather than sleeping, like a sane person, I decided to stay up way, WAY late for me (early for a lot of other folks) and I made an attempt to color the Vincent and Cloud lineart. *rolls eyes*It...
View ArticleNot really fan art at all... but wth...
I am indeed working on page 7 of winter's solace, and I am also still working on that Vincent and Cloud piece as well as other stuff. But in the interim, I updated my techniques for one of the MANY...
View ArticleFucking finally!!!
I finally got that damn picture of Vincent and CLoud painted. It's got problems, areas that if I wasn't so sick of it, I'd fix them. But at this point I'm just gonna leave it alone. I worked in...
View ArticleNews and catching up!
Hello all!I know it's been a few days. I am preparing for a class in anglo saxon pottery I'm teaching here at home in my pottery studio. Also, I spent the end of last week working 14 hours straight...
View ArticleWinter's Solace Page 7
Hiya!I know this update took a long while. Nothing like the ones this last winter, but still... I was hoping to have this one up, but the dialog fenestration gave me fits. And so did Sherlock this...
View ArticleI'm Insane!
I'm doing the Summer Advent Challenge over at adventchallenge.I know, I know... like I need anything else to do!!!Still, it's art challenges all the way for me. So it will be fun and exciting to see...
View ArticleGot a new place I'm adding art at...
I love this place, this blog. Discernment Street has been lots of fun to use and I will continue to use it. But I recently found myself in need of a blog for NON-fandom art. Now, I am currently...
View ArticleA request for foreign language moppets...
I received a request from an individual who wanted permission to translate Winter's Solace into Russian. And I thought it was a marvelous idea. She agreed to working the translation on larger...
View ArticleArticle 2
Hiya all.I created a subdomain and added Wordpress (buggy monster that is turned out to be!!!) and after futzing with the webcomic plugin utility for more than 6 hours and being close to tears over it....
View ArticleBeen out sick but I'm back with a treat!
I had a kidney infection that took forever to get over. Once I get them, I seem to keep them. For whatever reason.At any rate, I missed katieforsythe's birthday as a result. So here is the lineart...
View ArticleComplete Dragon Age Fandom Blather....
Behind this cut is the most absurd thing I've written in a long while. It's my attempt to research the four Wardens who sacrificed themselves to stop the previous 4 Blights to the one that occurs in...
View Articleback in the saddle again...
Hey Everyone.I've been really busy professionally. I've staid fandom busy too, but my fandoms have grown. I spend a lot of time in the Supernatural Fandom and in the Dragon Age fandom now as...
View ArticleArticle 7
Still working through some of the facial expressions for Sam and Dean. Did sketch version of Sam in early season 2. Still working on his mouth....
View ArticleSam Sketch colored
It occurred to me that the pantones were the problem in that sketch. I kept trying to tune them and they kept avoiding me. Now... this doesn't happen often. Most of the time I do pantones and then...
View ArticleA Dragon Age fancomic commission.
I've got goodies! 3 pages of a 5 page commission for Dragon Age II. It's a Male Hawke/Fenris pairing. Page 4 and 5 are inked but not colored. But soon... And 4's the smutty page. These 3 pages...
View ArticleFanart for Quickreaver's prompt fill.
quickreaver filled a prompt over at ohsam and it was agreed upon to be a joint effort. She'd write a fic and I'd do at least one illustration. I actually agreed to a comic page or so. And here's...
View ArticleNews and a new fandom
I've been crazy busy. Book covers, commissions, all manner of thing.I also, in a moment of madness, joined the J2 big bang and ended up paired to a fun story I am having a great time illustrating! I...
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