I've been crazy busy. Book covers, commissions, all manner of thing.
I also, in a moment of madness, joined the J2 big bang and ended up paired to a fun story I am having a great time illustrating! I get to make grungy post apocalyptic-but-not art with Jared and jensen. Never done RPS work before. But this is fun. It's such a divergent, very different story, it's more like Original fic with just Jared and Jensen as the main characters. A fannish adventure every once in a while keeps me on my toes.
Speaking of keeping on my toes....I also was drug screaming stumbled into the Merlin Fandom. Okay, let's be honest here. I both love it and loathe it. Why do I love it? Because the actors staring as Merlin and Arthur, Gwaine, Lancelot, Percival and Morganna as well as Gaius are ALL sterling, solid, gifted actors who have among themselves varying wonderful feels. Why do I loathe it? Plotlessness abounds. It's a stupid show trying hard to be a serious one. Really. The writing is awful. It needed, from the beginning, to decide what it was. Was it a pastiche meant to make us laugh and feel and sometimes think a little, regardless of the absurdity of it? (A la Hercules: The Legendary Journey) It would eventually come off more as a horribly failed attempt at fantasy genre drama with humor thrown awkwardly in. In season 1--silly as it was, it SORT of worked. Trope ridden and plot holes galore, it didn't take itself seriously, so you went with it. You went with it for the laughs, for the "awwww" factor and yes, for Colin's ears and Bradley delightful asshat of a prince routine. Then season 2 happened and I was WTF, why are you trying to be a serious show, this late in the game. And it got worse from there. I really did not enjoy the show after that.
However, I have a nose for things and I could smell good character actors that could have brought SO much to their show... and did, even though said show stunk. And I must admit. I loved Colin Morgan's ears. They're a fandom of their own. Or at least they should be. So I said to myself "Hope, the show might have sucked, but did the fandom fix it?" (As fandoms are sometimes wont to do) And indeed, unwatchable as the show was, the fandom has dumped in my lap a heaping pile of fic for every whim, much of it eminently readable and certainly better thought out than the show that inspired it. So thank you Merlin fandom for allowing me to enjoy the actors in their roles through fanfic in a way I was never able to enjoy them in the show.
As a result of my enjoyment, I have done what I usually do when a fandom hits my happy buttons. I make fanart. This is my first ever piece of fanart for Merlin. Doubtless there will be more. Sometimes I like throwing out some chibi love. (Shame... shame!)