Title: All in Due Time
Pairing(s): BalthierxVaan
Rating: T
Warnings: This was a </a></b></a>sixth_blackbird prompt: Vaan, wanting to impress Balthier, attempts to train himself in gunmanship. Vaan is clumsy! And Balthier is concerned and frustrated. There was the option of Basch stuck in there somewhere. And she requested the genre be Romance. There was a stipulation where Vaan hurt himself either by accidentally shooting himself, or with the firing recoil.
This wasn't really in the romance department. It actually ended up preromance. Probably cause I really love the dance they do together nearly as much as them actually being together. But I am working on a smut ending. WHich may happen later this week.
Here it is at FF.net
Pairing(s): BalthierxVaan
Rating: T
Warnings: This was a </a></b></a>sixth_blackbird prompt: Vaan, wanting to impress Balthier, attempts to train himself in gunmanship. Vaan is clumsy! And Balthier is concerned and frustrated. There was the option of Basch stuck in there somewhere. And she requested the genre be Romance. There was a stipulation where Vaan hurt himself either by accidentally shooting himself, or with the firing recoil.
This wasn't really in the romance department. It actually ended up preromance. Probably cause I really love the dance they do together nearly as much as them actually being together. But I am working on a smut ending. WHich may happen later this week.
Here it is at FF.net