It's been a bit since I got any fanart up. Several folks were very encouraging and so I've added this to my sale post in two print sizes. I just created several of each print in test. They did very well on my archival Giclee printer.
I enjoyed doing this. But the coloring was maddening--if worth it. Then after all that work, I got almost done and thought "I'll erase their heads and paint them to look like BBC John and Sherlock in a retro Victorian setting.". Then I regained my sanity and went with the illustration the way it was.
I love blue veining under the skin, so Holmes' coloring was fun to do, and probably my favorite part. John's mustache was a pain in the arse! Why is face hair always so hard to paint?
The reference image for the library has such lovely lighting. I loved it. Such a warm, masculine room! All the sexy books! (yeah, I have a library kink...)
Here's the fanart! Hope you all enjoy it!
Next thing to come out will be more bookmarks tomorrow morning.