For a woman who hasn't has significant dental work done in more than a decade, this root canal misadventure has been wild. I went in for what was supposed to be part 1 of a 2 part finale to the root canal. They've been slow with it because the work was delicate going. I have weird, very curvy roots and it's been hard for them to proceed. They had to take care and span things because of infection and my propensity for pericarditis. So they've, all things considered, been very careful.
ANd then today went to hell, just a fraction.
They FINALLY got someone in who was intuitive enough about anesthesia that they tracked my facial nerve and figured out the reason I always hurt through procedures, no matter what they do. Apparently it is because my facial nerves are deeper and not in quite the usual location. So after consulting my (6th!) set of facial xrays they finally were able to make me suitably numb for the rest of the work. (A relief, let me tell you.)
They removed half the pulp and came upon weird circumstances. They called in a special endodontist and After my dentist spending the entire morning consulting with said specialist while I sat in the chair with my mouth cranked open, it was decided they couldn't save the tooth. Largely because it has suffered calcification, and on top of everything they saw something down in there that has them wanting to biopsy my jaw bone. (Went through this 14 years ago too. Total pain in the butt. the jaw anyway.)
So tomorrow morning they pull the tooth they've been trying for a month to save. And then they biopsy the bone underneath.
To say the least, I'm just a bit stressed.
Plus my father in law just announced that he's visiting Thursday afternoon. (He's sweet, but he's wealthy, male, white and and very concervative--so he has a remarkable sense of entitlement.) Ergo, he didn't ask to come over to visit the children, he INFORMED me to expect him. (Mycroft much?)
To top things off, I was tapped last month to host a BJD meeting at my home/studio this Sunday and there's no way I'll have the studio looking the way I want. I'm too down from the dental work today to do anything. Tomorrow I will be worse.
And international post is taking forever with the bookmarks. Which is annoying. On a good note, it seems all the domestic orders have found their way to the folks who ordered them. (Except for orders in the last week--which were just mailed)
Anyway, thank you all for listening to my mini-whine. Life throws things at us as a challenge to our sense of grace and perspective. And as such, I'm hoping I pass the test already and can move on to a less interesting winter.
Hugs and love to all.