Damn! I think I redrew half of this at least twice! And let's not even talk about the repaints, hue fitzing, and general "Oh Noes! This page looks like SHITE!" freakouts I had.
I am formally sick of this page. Really.
For pages 1-3, go here.
Page 5 is in progress already and will take a lot less time. Then one more page and we're halfway!!! A 12 pager isn't bad to create, when my schedule permits. But the coloring on this has been intense. I am going to create a plot pallet so that reference colors to the previous pages is easier.
This page shows that, in spite of the emergency, John's sense of humor is alive and kicking ass. And Sherlock finally wakes....sort of. And we get a small sampling of the nightmare kitchen. Which I wasn't sure how to handle, so I took some shortcuts that I may go back later and enhance.
Anyway, I'll shut up now. Here it is! Page 4!