I did a couple of images this summer that I posted about, but which didn't get onto my actual journal.
The first is a image of Sherlock done in ball point pen and then color washed on the computer. It's not a great image. But it was so textural I kinda love it.
Funny thing, this was done way before the Sherlock!BBC show was even announced as on its way. A full mouthed Sherlock with side parted floppy hair and a scarf was always MY canon. And OMFG! He's wearing a cardigan jumper!!! LOL!
The second image is from an indy comic I laid out plot for. I wanted to pair up with a writer to work on it, but my writer kinda disappeared just a tad and it's been on hold. But here's the concept work. Again, this was done before the Cumberbatch Sherlock was even publicized, if you can believe that. LOL! And OMFG again! Watson's coat! Ahahahahaaahahahaa! SO that's where Sherlock got that darn thing!