After some unfortunate drama at the orgininal Sherlock kinkmeme just because someone asked for rape fic in a particularly cavalier way, I decided I would keep an eye out for a new kinkmeme. Especially once it got so wanky, that certain folks were insisting on censorship just to protect RL "rape victims" from being emotionally harmed by the kink prompts. (really, I'm NOT kidding) As a rape survivor, I felt a little insulted that anyone thought I needed pandering to. Imma big girl and if I'm at a kinkmeme, I'm obviously not the wilting flower type.
So I just had to get away.
Not because the very wonderful mod crew at the original did anything wrong, but because the whole misadventure over there was so full of wank that I started to not enjoy the place anymore. I WILL eventually get over it. I really will. And when I do, I will visit there again.
But in the mean time, there is a new community set up, presumably by folks less interested in stuff like censoring sensitive language in the prompts. Anyway, I'm Pinmping that BRAND spanking new, very shiny kinkmeme comm for the BBC!SHerlock fandom.
Here it is folks! The Sherlockkinkmeme!